
Bed Raiser

Call for price: 07 3290 4007

Product Descriptions

Bed risers can be used to provide easier egress for patients, as well as provide better access for carers.

Along with providing easier access, a bed raiser can relieve stress on the back of a carer or nurse tending to a patient.

The bed raiser is a simple device that can easily raise the height of the bed anywhere from 195mm to 375mm.

Depending on the positioning of the bed raiser, you can angle the bed to help patients with back pains, sufferers of acid reflux, asthma and other breathing problems. They’re also useful for those recovering from hip replacements or knee surgery.

We have double bed and queen bed options available for both hospital beds and domestic beds.

Contact us or call us on (07) 3290 4007 for more information.